Tuesday, March 11, 2014

GEEZZ 4 months has flown by!

Just look at that little smirk! A lot has happened since I just recently blogged (a little bit late) about his 3 month update! It is so amazing/crazy/fun/and a little sad how fast he is growing.

4 MONTH STATS:  15.4 lbs (46th percentile), 25.2 inches (64th percentile) and his head is in the 72nd percentile....:) like father, like son.

So where do I start...I have been reading a lot lately and I think his favorite is green eggs and ham at least he pays the most attention when I read that one. We recently got him that jumper that you see him in the picture above and he LOVVEESSS it! He is so good at bouncing, and loves playing with all the fun learning toys on it! He gets so excited when his dad looks at him in the jumper and goes crazy smiling and jumping as fast as he can.
He has started to talk almost non stop!!!! baby talk and I am obsessed with it. Also laughing!!!! He can hold his own bottle for about 30 seconds then he drops it. He puts everything in his mouth....and there is sooo much drool!
Benson got his first cold :( Made me so sad to hear him cough and sneeze so hard! And they can't just blow it out :( I tried essential oils, a humidifier, saline spray, baby vapor rub and finally he is feeling much better! Still has a bit of a cough but the worst of it is over. From what I have read he is showing all the signs for teething but hasn't really been too fussy.....until last night. He woke up two times just screaming!!! he usually sleeps through the night, so I tried feeding him and he didn't want it. He just cried so much and with his cough it really scared me. I'm so grateful for Adrian being up and helping me soothe him in the middle of the night. He loves his daddy so much!
I cannot wait to give him swim lessons this summer!!!! Also I am thinking about taking him to Utah to visit family and friends so he will get to go on his first plane ride!
Well that's all for now I think. I love this kid and my little family so so so so so much it hurts! This really is what life is all about!

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