Wednesday, May 21, 2014

6 months..sorry a few weeks late.

My sweet little Benny boo....I can't believe six months has almost come and gone, I am a few weeks late with this post. I have just been busy soaking in every second of his adorable little self. It makes me really sad sometimes to think of how fast he growing. There is a song by Taylor Swift called "Never grow up", all you moms, listen to it and I promise you will cry. Now for a few pictures and then I will share more about the month.

For the past month Benson has pretty much been pure joy. He sleeps amazing, and still takes 2-3 naps a day. And only seems to cry when he is hungry or tired. We have started him on solids!! He does NOT like peas! I tried green things first and he was not a big fan however he would still eat it most of the time. I was feeding him solids once a day until his six month appointment where the doctor said now to go to twice a day. He seems to like squash and pear the best and he LOVES water. Not only does he love drinking it but he just loves looking at it. We went up to the temple to take Alyssa's bridals and Adrian walked around the grounds with him. He was crazy excited about the fountain!! just kicking and making some excited noises. He gets so so happy when bath time comes around. And this Saturday I am taking him to the manor pool (its opening day is saturday). This means you will soon see me with a tan! haha. Benny, so far at least, doesn't seem to care who is holding him. He doesn't cry when he leaves mommy's or daddy's arms. I hope it stays this way :) He has gotten to see more his auntie Priscilla and Uncle Felipe which is really cool. My sister in law Priscilla took one of his favorite toys and started saying all the colors to him and he was just in awe. He still stares at her every time and smiles the biggest smile when she is finished. His laugh literally makes me melt!

He has been moving a lot more. Not crawling yet but really trying to! He moves in a 360 and then back again, pushes himself backwards and forwards a few feet. He has also started doing this downward dog motion as he tries to go forward and it is so dang cute. He also still loves the jumper very much. A lot of the time he gets crazy excited out of nowhere and starts jumping so fast smiling at everyone (showing off).

Just yesterday Benson started real teething I think. Up until now I don't think he has been showing hardly any signs and has rarely been fussy. However yesterday was hard. He woke up screaming and all day would not drink a bottle. He would take ice water from a spoon and ice cold formula from a spoon but that was it, and he was a lot more fussy during the day. We tried orajel and some baby tylenol, which helped a little but the poor little guy just was not a happy camper. Today he is back to normal thank goodness! I'm just so glad I can be here to hold him when this stuff happens. I know teething lasts a while, so any advice you have to share is totally welcome!!!

I'm the one who spends all day with him but I truly believe his first word will probably be daddy :). Benson gets the biggest grin on his face every time Adrian gets home from work. When he just hears his voice he turns and then boom an automatic smile. I love just watching them together!

Also Adrian and I just celebrated our 3 year anniversary. I am one truly, truly lucky woman. I have fallen for him over and over again these past three years. When Benny smiles at him he probably doesn't even notice me smiling right there with him, because I am just as happy when he gets home. We took family pictures this month! As soon as I have them I will share. Anyways we are so so excited for summer in the bay area, it for sure is my favorite season!!!! Thanks for reading :)

1 comment:

  1. You are an amazing mommy Katrina!! :) so glad we were able to meet your family!!
