Saturday, September 28, 2013

A Little Background on the Parents to Be

So I finally decided to enter the blogging world! I never really thought I would create a blog, not sure I felt I had anything that interesting to share. However, I now look at blogs as more like online journal/scrapbook and with all the new and exciting parts of life we are experiencing I figured "why not?" Adrian and Katrina Fernandez. I took his last name on May 14,2011. I met Adrian about year prior to this at Applebees, where I was currently a waitress. His younger brother introduced us, and that was pretty much it. My first impression of my handsome husband...."wow this guy talks SOOOO much!" But it didn't bore me. And to this day he still has plenty to say, I will admit I'm not always listening to every word he is saying but its usually because I'm just distracted by he his good looks. I'm not exactly sure what his first impression of me was, you will just have to ask him yourself :) If you know Adrian and I, you know we fit the rule "opposites attract". We are very different in almost every aspect, but one thing we have in common is how much we love one another. Marriage may not always be easy, but it is without a doubt worth it. I wouldn't change a thing about my life right now and am so happy to share it with the love of my life.

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